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We are a service company in the areas of accounting, auditing, accounting expertise, tax credit review and recovery, we offer several courses in the executive area, made up of professionals with extensive experience in the areas of business management.


Our knowledge and experience accumulated in work, help to anticipate and respond to tax changes. The behavior and actions of our professionals, to establish a solid and lasting relationship and to meet the needs from the perspective of the clients, define our success.

And that starts with our ability to think beyond the present and predict the short-term and long-term consequences of an action. Additionally, we apply our deep sectoral knowledge helping customers implement decisions that can bring real value to their business.


Recuperação de valores retidos ou recolhidos indevidamente;

Devido ao alto grau de complexidade da legislação tributária no Brasil, você pode pagar impostos maior do que o devido. Outro grande problema, é você pagar imposto menor do que o devido. Se você tem dúvida se está fazendo o recolhimento dos impostos corretamente, você precisa de revisão tributária. Entenda melhor como podemos ajudá-lo.


Mitigação de Riscos

Quando não conseguimos avaliar de forma clara nossa questão tributária, corremos riscos que podem gerar passivos tributários que comprometem o resultado futuro da empresa.  Um dos objetivos principais na revisão tributária é a mitigação desses riscos.

Recuperação de Impostos Pagos

A Receita Federal, possibilita aos contribuintes recuperar os impostos pagados indevidamente. Fazendo uma revisão tributária dos últimos 5 anos, você pode recuperar esses impostos.


Planejamento Tributário


Vamos pensar em economizar para sua empresa?  Acreditamos que diante da complexidade de normas tributárias e fiscais no Brasil, o planejamento tributário, Ã© algo essencial para qualquer empresa que busca a lucratividade.

Temos vários exemplos de sucessos comprovados. Quando a empresa contrata um escritório de contabilidade com conhecimento para realizar um planejamento tributário com foco em redução legal de impostos, a redução tributária pode garantir a sobrevivência da empresa.

Têm empresas que estão pagando mais impostos devido a classificação de atividade escolhida, outros por terem atividades que, realizadas em conjunto, geram prejuízo a empresa no pagamento de seus impostos.

You can also order a Tax Review e recover taxes that have already been paid in error.

Anyway, if you believe that your company may be paying a higher tax than it is due, look for Studio Contábil and carry out tax planning.


Corporate Tax Advisory

Excellence, in search of tax burden management.


Studio Tax's Tax practice seeks to provide clients with the management of their global tax burden, providing greater tax savings, in compliance with legal restrictions.


Tax Advisory- Studio Tax's tax professionals are qualified to advise their clients in the interpretation and application of the rules of all taxes required by Brazilian legislation, considering tax and accounting rules, analyzing markets and investments.


Permanent Tax Advisory - The Permanent Tax Advisory Service aims to maintain a direct line with the client who wants to get  a strong support, through reviews and consultations in the tax, labor and social security areas.

Audit/Review of Tax Procedures - This service aims to verify if the procedures being adopted by companies are in line with the applicable legislation, consisting of a review of the monthly calculation bases of IRPJ, CSLL, PIS , COFINS, social security contributions, etc., in a given period.


Revision from ECF- This work consists of verifying whether the procedures adopted in completion of the various blocks, records and fields that compose the Accounting Bookkeeping fully to the instructions published by the tax authorities and to the provisions of current legislation


Fiscal Corporate Committee â€“ Early and joint analysis of tax procedures - We believe that a frequent cycle of meetings should be part of a company's decision-making routine. From this need arose the Fiscal Committee, to discuss the legislation and be in tune with fiscal requirements, anticipating problem solutions and adding value to the topics discussed.

Our main task is to provide the possibility of being in periodic contact with the most relevant topics of the fiscal/accounting routine, which may influence your main operations.


Indirect and Customs Taxes

Studio Tax's Indirect and Customs Tax area involves taxation on a importation, a production and circulation of goods and services. It covers IPI, ICMS, ISS, as Contribuções for PIS/PASEP and COFINS, which together represent an expressive collection of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of our economy .

As they involve different legislations and jurisdictions, as well as the maintenance of the levels of the effects of their taxation on goods, goods and services consumed by the Brazilian population, these rules are quite complex, detailed and constantly changed.

This fact requires the constant monitoring and analysis of its effects on the production chain, by competent professionals who have a deep knowledge of the practice of Indirect and Customs Taxes, which is an area of many changes and challenges.

Keeping up to date with regulatory standards is essential as small errors or omissions can result in significant financial losses and penalties.


Studio Tax offers a full range of services related to indirect taxes, including:


  • Review of tax procedures required by the legislation dos Indirect and Customs Taxes.

  • Review of compliance with additional obligations required by legislation, including documentation, tax books and digital files.

  • Tax planning strategies, applicable to the structuring and/or reorganization of businesses, aiming at reducing or deferring taxes.

  • Advice on professional training, through periodic or continuous training, related to Indirect and Customs Taxes.

  • Tax advice in reviewing the policy and criteria for maintaining tax credits and determining the amounts to be recovered.

  • Management and uniformity of statements and statements sent to Fisco, consisting an effective means of preventing unnecessary collection of taxes or avoiding undesirable tax contingencies.

  • Permanent or specific tax advice on the effects of Tributos Indiretos e Aduaneiros  on routine and/or atypical operations.

  • Tax advice for the implementation of ICMS Credit Control of Permanent Assets – CIAP.

  • Tax advice in the preparation and application of Special Regimes.

  • Revision of the rules of the Customs Valuation Agreement.

  • Review of applicable import tax rates.

  • Review and/or analysis of the adopted tax classifications – NCM.

  • Tax planning, involving import tax deferral, through proper storage and import procedures.

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Estamos aqui para ajudá-lo. Entre em contato por telefone, email ou em nosso escritório.

Criado por Studio Contábil

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